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How To Download Games On Steam For Free UPDATED

How To Download Games On Steam For Free


  1. 1

  2. 2

    Install Steam. When yous're at the chief website, look up and just a little to the right of the center of the page. There should be a gray/dark-green button that says "Install Steam." Click it, and follow through the instructions to install it.


  3. 3

    Get to the Store Page. When in the Steam client, click on the "Shop" button, located at the summit of the page. That should take you to the Store'due south main page.

  4. 4

    Choose what y'all are looking for. If you want to pay for games, look through the folio you're already at. If you want free games/can't beget games, follow the adjacent pace.

  5. 5

    Mouse over the GAMES tab in the store. It should bring downward a drop-down list, which has tons of options to fit your favorite genre. For free games, click Free to Play. For games you'll need to purchase, choose your genre, whether it be Action, Part-Play, Strategy, ect.

  6. 6

    Make sure your PC tin can handle information technology. When you've found the game you want, go alee and scroll downward to the bottom of the page. At that place should be a "System Requirements" Column for PCs and Macs. Telling you what's gonna make it play smoothly. If your PC/Mac doesn't cut the minimum, we would suggest non getting it. Only it'southward ultimately up to yous.

  7. seven

    Buy/Download the game! Once you lot know and/or call back your computer tin can handle the game, scroll back up to the middle/upper center of the page. There should either be a "PLAY GAME" push, or "Add together to Cart" push button, depending on if information technology'due south Free to Play or not. Click it. If it'southward a F2P game, then simply follow the instructions to install it and wait for it to finish downloading. If information technology's a purchasable game, follow to the next step.

  8. eight

    Purchase the game. In one case y'all've clicked "Add to Cart" and yous're non buying any more games and purchasing it for yourself, click "PURCHASE FOR MYSELF." Put in your credit card credentials, agree to the terms of service and crap, and then click the "PURCHASE" button, and yous're done. It should requite an choice to install the games, but one time over again, that's upwardly to you.

  9. ix

    Play the game! Once you're washed, it should take automatically taken y'all back to your library of games, simply if it didn't, don't fret! Just await at the top of the customer, adjacent to the STORE button is a LIBRARY button. Just click it and look for your game. In one case information technology's downloaded, simply click on it and click "PLAY."


Add New Question

  • Question

    Where exercise I send the money?

    Community Answer

    You lot must establish a credit card with your account in order to download the non-free games. If you don't have a credit card, you tin purchase a Steam Wallet Carte in many stores where souvenir cards are sold, and apply this toward your purchase.

  • Question

    Does the game download to my PC or just to my Steam account when downloading PC games using Steam?

    Community Answer

    It downloads to your PC, but if you want to use it on some other figurer you tin. (You'll however accept to wait for it to download on the other reckoner.)

  • Question

    I've read that Steam games can't exist downloaded offline, just my download keeps declining (poor WiFi). Isn't there any way to download offline?

    Community Answer

    Since you are downloading games from the Steam servers, you take to have an internet connection. If your Wi-Fi is poor, check if you take an ethernet port on your Wi-Fi router, which yous can employ to hard-line your PC for a better cyberspace connexion. If that fails (because you may alive in a rural area), attempt going to a identify that has an internet buffet. Be careful when using those; since they are not secure connections, only should be plenty to allow you to download Steam games. There are tutorials online that testify how to play Steam games in offline mode; which may exist something you should look at since yous need an internet connection to play the games you purchase from Steam.

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  • If yous're using someone else'southward credit carte du jour (Similar your parents), inquire them if they have the money in their banking concern account/card.

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  • Don't try to purchase a game if there's an insufficient amount of money on your carte. If information technology's a banking company card, the bank may charge you an overdraft fee. That will toll around $thirty.


Things Yous'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access
  • Ambassador account or user account with power to install new software

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